What We Do
Human Brights is an engineering company that aims to improve the technical quality and performance of humanitarian projects worldwide.
Our Mission
By adapting the technical complexity to the people who are meant to keep the operation running, we’re already at a head start. Working closely with refugees and local communities in the actual design and construction of machines and systems, know-how and ownership can be fostered. When a machine breaks that you have helped build, understand how works, that you have seen the benefit of using, and know how to fix, you are more likely to fix it. We believe this idea is key to successful implementation.
Too many shiny machines have been left to rust in numerous projects throughout the history of humanitarian efforts. Machines and systems have been proposed, purchased and placed, only to stop working and never get fixed. Especially when the project funds run out. There is so much to gain from dealing with this issue, head and hands on. By closely assessing the problem, with the objective of the project, local context and conditions in mind, we can develop sensible technical solutions that are designed to be sustainable: Both environmetally and technically. We believe that the billions spent on humanitarian efforts can be spent much more effectively - so we can increase the positive impact in peoples lives.
Some of our Services
Plastic recycling
Waste management systems and machines
Project ideas
Technical advice and consultancy services in all project phases, from application process to implementation.
Follow-up of sub-contractors and suppliers
Design of customized solutions, calculations, prototyping, etc.
About Us
(well, me. For now)
My name is Gard Sviggum Saabye and I am the founder, CEO, accountant, custodian and only employee of Human Brights - for now. I believe strongly in the potential of humanitarian efforts, and I want to dedicate my professional life to that cause. Hence the inception of Human Brights.
I graduated from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2013 with and M.Sc. in mechanical engineering. From then and until 2020, I worked at DNV, the worlds largers classification society. I worked at the Department of Materials Technology, mainly with failure investigations. These 7 years have given me solid and varied technical competence, along with the project management side of things.
I love playing punk rock and making music, surfing, snowboarding and so on, keeping the creative parts of my heart and brain in good shape.