Previous projects
We have previously been involved in two projects tackling plastic waste respectively in Ethiopia and Algeria. The projects took place in refugee camps. Around the world, plastic waste is a major problem, and these locations are no exception. Here’s a quick overview of the projects.
Trash into Cash
Workshop crew in Melkadida Refugee Camp. Workshop in the background.
Our first and longest project, situated on the Somali-Ethiopian border. Since 2019, then through Engineers Without Borders (EWB), we worked on setting up a recycling facility in Melkadida refugee camp. Due to the limited access to materials, water and electricity, we designed a system intended to make products out of recycled plastic - without the use of electricity. The most innovative installation being a pyrolysis based oven, burning waste in a cleaner way, while using the excess heat to melt the plastic into new products. An idea hatched by the bright humans at NGI. The project was runned by NGI (Norwegian Geotechnical Intitute) and funded by the Norwegian Retailers Environment Fund (NREF) and was concluded in 2021.
Plastic Recycling in Sahrawi Refugee Camps
Bulldozer trail of waste near the Sahrawi camps outside Tindouf, Algeria.
Through a close colaboration with UNHCR we have, along with NGI, been developing solutions for handeling the pressing issues of plastic waste in the camps. We formulated the technical specifications for a plastic waste treatment and production facitlity, ending up with Precious Plastic winning the bid. We sat up a unique facility that are producing plastic sheets, replacing wood in the production of desks and chairs for school children. The project was runned by UNHCR and funded by Innovation Norway.