What we’re working on
We are currently involved in three projects tackling plastic waste in three African countries and one Asian country. Plastic waste is a massive challenge all over the globe and these areas are no exception. We’re working with our partners to find the best solutions for each location, drawing on our experiences from the various projects. Here’s a quick overview.
RiPL - Preventing plastic in Nepal rivers
Informal dumpsite in Kathmandu.
The RiPL project has a twofold mission: to pinpoint the sources of plastic leakage into Nepal's rivers and to bolster the informal sector's ability to gather more plastic for recycling. By doing so, the project aims to divert plastic from landfills and open dumping, thus increasing its value in the waste value chain.
The RiPL project seeks to establish plastic collection points along rivers to minimize plastic contamination in the rivers. These points will funnel the plastic to a small-scale, locally operated pilot recycling plant, which will be part of the project.
The project's success will hinge on increasing the informal waste sector's capacity, to capture more plastic. The plastic will be collected and put to use, instead of being discarded into the environment.
Clean the Country
Plastic waste in Kenya.
The Project aims to combat the grave problem of plastic pollution in Kenya. Firstly, the Project has erected a new buyback center in Kisumu, modeled after TakaTaka's approach, to facilitate efficient collection.
The Project also aims to boost awareness of plastic pollution and educate individuals and communities on how to combat it. An awareness campaign will be rolled out, targeting church leaders, surrounding communities, and the public via social media, radio, TV, public schools, and other channels. The Project will also provide training and disseminate knowledge locally and nationally to promote sustainable business practices after its completion. By working together, we can clean up the country and protect our environment.
Uganda and Mali
Shredder specifically designed to be produced and built with more accessible means of production and machining.
Teaming up with The Strømme Foundation, we have entered a partnership with NGI and NREF, who are funding this three year long endeavour. The partnership aims to set up comprehensive and complete waste management systems, with a particular focus on plastic. The Strømme Foundation has had a long running project with the production of school desks in Burkina Faso, now aiming to continue in Mali in a semi-urban context. In Uganda, NGI has a running project with local partner REDS on organic waste treatment, through the production of bio-char by pyrolysis. With NREF, this partnership will break new ground in waste management in rural and semi-urban contexts in central africa.